Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been inundated with news, media reports, social media opinions … lots and lots of social media opinions. Now, as we begin to rebuild, COVID seems to just keep on giving in the form of the vaccines and the media storm that surround them.

There have been a vast number of news worthy articles written about the various vaccines – some trustworthy and some not so much – that it has become so difficult to make an informed decision. Add into all of this, a myocarditis diagnosis which all ready makes you vulnerable along with all of these reports and news bulletins and social media posts and you can begin to imagine just how confusing and downright scary it is for those with myocarditis.

We are aware that the vaccines have been out for a while and some may say we are a bit late hosting this evening, but with the advent of the “Booster Jab” and the children’s vaccination debate still raging, we have tried to take some of the confusion out of the equation. Our panel of Guest Speakers, Prof S.Prasad and Dr A. Iacob, are some of the top myocarditis researchers in the UK and are very familiar with both myocarditis and COVID19 having worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic on the worst of the COVID wards. We understand that everyone has strong opinions, but we do ask that our panel is treated with respect and they will answer any and all questions you may have to the best of their knowledge.

To Join us, on 24 November at 19:30, please use:

Meeting ID: 862 5849 5912

Passcode: 230978




Another successful and informative evening, with huge thanks to the Royal Brompton for giving us their time and expertise. I think we can all agree that having someone qualified to answer our questions makes everything just that little bit less intimidating.