We were contacted by Soheil Chaudry on behalf of his family after losing his sister, Sadia Chaudry, suddenly to undiagnosed Myocarditis earlier in the year.

Together with pupils from his class and other pupils who were keen to get involved, they organised a cake sale at the Luton 6th Form College on Tuesday 16 May with many of the kids and other staff members baking cakes and biscuits themselves.

The event was a huge success – so much so that they sold out and Soheil had to do an emergency trip to Krispy Crème Donuts to satisfy the people queuing up to support this fundraiser. Seeing the engagement and support from staff and pupils alike in aid of their teacher and our charity brought a lump to the throat and we are truly touched to be honoured by the Chaudry family at this time. Together, the Luton 6th Form College managed to raise an amazing £1000 for myocarditis research in the UK.

Thank you to everyone who supported this day.