Tuesday 13 October 2020 saw me heading off into London to meet our research team for the first time. Since joining the charity in 2020, I have had the pleasure of learning all about the pivotal roles that that these 3 key members play in our research and although I have emailed them a number of times, it’s just never the same as putting a face to the name… Although, in this case, more of a pair of eyes to the name! Due to COVID restrictions, we had to adhere to stringent social distancing and of course, our face coverings which may not be the best conditions for filming, but we still managed to get interviews with Sara Salmi, Dr Amrit Lota and of course, Professor Sanjay Prasad. Despite my learning of all things myocarditis over the past few months, it was incredibly interesting to hear first hand what goes on behind the scenes and to see the journey and relationship between the charity and its fundraising through to the science and the people that are working to help us make a difference. I cannot wait to share all this with you in the next few weeks …as well as finally being able to provide answers to those all important questions including finding out who is the most demanding boss and where to get the best coffee at the Royal Brompton!