Myocarditis UK Clarifies Position on Covid Vaccination Decisions
In response to recent online comments regarding Myocarditis UK and our position on Covid vaccines, particularly concerning children and young adults, we wish to make clear that the charity has consistently maintained a stance of neutrality on this matter.
In 2021 the charity published a vaccination guide with links to the UK Government’s COVID 19 vaccination guidelines, the UK Health Security Agency guidelines for the COVID 19 vaccinations for children and young people aged 12-15 years, as well as a link to the NHS COVID 19 Vaccination guidelines. In September 2024 the UK Government withdrew these documents.
Our mission is to provide individuals with access to the most reliable, verified, and current information available, enabling each person to make informed decisions based on their unique health history and personal circumstances. Consequently, we will continue to update the information available to us on our website based on current research findings and new guidelines.
We will also continue to recommend that all individuals consult with qualified healthcare professionals regarding their specific situation when making vaccination decisions.
Put simply, we aim to provide information that is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and verified so that we can help people make informed decisions.